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Autogenic Training and Meditation


Find relaxation, happiness, a feeling of security and practice visualization and mindfulness.

Autogenic Training

If your main goal is relaxation, autogenic training is an excellent choice. It can also be a helpful a starting point for learning meditation, as you learn how to relax and concentrate. Autogenic training is based on six simple, body-related exercises. These exercises provide you with a quick relaxation technique that you can use in your everyday life.

Further exercises in autogenic training can be used to learn, for example, how to work effectively with auto-suggestions and to make first experiences with inner awareness and imagination. 

Flyer with further information on the benefits of Autogenic Training


Meditation is a tool to train mindfulness and does not necessarily need to be done in the traditional way, sitting cross-legged. There are countless ways to get into meditative states, such as breathing exercises, imaginary journeys or dance.


We want to find our true core, to relax, to become mindful and conscious. It is an incredibly precious tool to learn to live a more conscious life. 

„Meditation is for the brave.“
–– Wilhelm Reich

Meditating does not just give us inner peace. Especially in the beginning, we usually struggle for a long time not to let our thoughts drift away, and as we enter deeper states of consciousness, unpleasant issues can arise from our inner self. But this is exactly what makes meditation so exciting and powerful – within ourselves lies the key to self-healing. 



The next course for Autogenic Training will take place in autumn. Courses are held in German.


Group course Autogenic Training CHF 290.- (7 x 1 hour)

Meditation courses as per announcement
Private sessions CHF 150.- per hour

The costs are not covered by health insurance.

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