A transformative journey for free spirits.
Find your authentic path in your spirituality
In recent years, more and more offers in the field of spirituality and personal development have come to the surface, which is a great development. However, the psychospiritual scene also has its shadow sides, is sometimes dogmatic or falls back on outdated, simplified concepts.
That is not what your soul is longing for. After all, you are on a spiritual path because you are open and sensitive and mainstream science as well as classical religions are too limited for you.
With all the books, videos, courses etc. you have not yet reached the point where you actually want to be? Are you feeling frustrated or disappointed at times or that there is something wrong with you?
Then it is time to take a step back: to your true self, your inner wisdom and the connection with Higher Self.
Willst du dein Leben angenehmer, bewusster, spiritueller machen?
Mit den folgenden Programmen begleite ich dich zu deinen Zielen und gebe dir die Tools an die Hand, die du brauchst.

Basis für deine Grundbedürfnisse
Basiswissen und die Fähigkeit zur Umsetzung davon, wie wir funktionieren und unser Wohlbefinden stärken können, sind essenziell. Und doch hat sie uns nie jemand beigebracht. In diesem Themenblock lernst du, wie du dir eine gesunde Basis für dein Leben schaffst.
Ernährung und körperliche Bedürfnisse
Energieregulation, Reinigung und Ausrichtung
Flow, Schlaf und Sexualität

Verstehen, Transformieren und Integrieren
Wir alle haben unsere Lebensthemen, Muster und Prägungen. Ursachen und Gründe für wiederkehrende oder langfristige Schwierigkeiten sind wichtig zu verstehen. Nur so kannst du sie transformieren und Platz für neue Entwicklungen schaffen.
Erkennen der wichtigsten Themen und Schmerzpunkte
Verständnis über Ursprünge
Akzeptanz und Befreiung von Scham
Inneres Team
Transformation destruktiver Anteile
Energetische Auflösungen
Integration von Ressourcen und neuen Gewohnheiten

Selbstermächtigung und spirituelle Praxis
Describe one of your services
Program schedule
Milestone 1 - GROUND ZERO
Detach from concepts, ideas and influences to re-examine what is right for you and what you need.
Preparation ritual and optional energy healing
Spiritual, mental and physical detox*
Realignment with Daily Habits that support you in the long term
* not a 0815 classic detox, this is about finding out what YOU need.
Find out how you are holding yourself back to live your authentic spirituality and release your hidden potential.
Identify causes of triggers and internal blocks that work against your desires
Recognise how you make yourself small and shut yourself off from your greatness and intuition
Gain access to the qualities that lie dormant within you and your transpersonal powers
Get access to your inner wisdom and intuition, deepen your clairvoyance and pave the way for your life with mysticism, grounding and bliss.
Learn to understand and verify your perception and intuition.
Improve your clairvoyance and physical sensitivity
Shift your alignment toward your new path as a curious exploring spirit
Closing ritual and optional energy healing
What's in?
3 months of support
7 x 1:1 sessions every 2 weeks
Individual detox plans (mind & body)
Reflection and practice documents
Guided meditations
Support via Mail/Whatsapp
Optional: 2 additional energy healing sessions
Ready to start?
Your investment:
EUR/CHF 2'200
Optional 2 energy healing sessions: + EUR/CHF 280
Ask any question or book a connection call / appointment